Title: Twilight
Rating: 10/10
Genre: Fiction
Author: Stephenie Meyer
Finished Date: Early July
Fiction Prompt
New Person in Town
The main character in your book is moving to your town (this could be Jakarta or a town you know better) If they’re a child they could be coming to JIS. Will he or she fit in?Why or why not? How are his or her tastes different from – or the same as – those of your hometown?
I read the book twilight, one of the main characters in this book is named Edward Cullen. Edward is a vampire. In my book 5 of the main characters are vampires, they are all Edwards " sisters and brothers". I think they would have trouble fitting in at JIS. But the thing about these vampires is that they don't suck human blood they are "vegetarians" they only dirnk animal blood, so they can go to school and lead a somewhat normal life. Most of them are 1000 to 500 years old.
If they walk out in the sun the glissen and glimer like glitter. They look extremly beautiful. So considering that there is alot of sun in Jakarta they would be glimmering alot. Aside from the sun they still are all so gorgeous. But it is hard for them to be so close to humans because of the way we smell. Edwards "dad" however is a doctor, he has trained himself to be able to stand to smell of blood. Edwards "youngest" brother Jasper cannot stand the smell of blood at all he lunges at where ever the smell is. So in this case the other main character, Bella, who is human has to be carful when she is around Edwards family. Bella is Edwards soul mate. JIS cost alot. but they are very rich so they would be able to afford to go t0 JIS. They try to live in overcast places because they glow in the sunlight.
I think it would be very hard for Edward and his family to live in Indonesia. The main thing is they cant be in the sun and the other thing is that they have to be able to catch and feed on animals. In other words they have to be able to go hunting for "food". Everwhere they move people would find them diffrent or they would be afraid of them. So i think it would be very hard for the Cullens to fit in in indonesia.